Thursday, 9 January 2014

Monday Update - 23rd March 2010

A rather common phrase in evangelical circles is ‘wait upon the Lord’. We use this words oftentimes to encourage a brother or sister who might be going through a period of trusting in God for a particular breakthrough. It may well be that they are facing examinations, a financial need, in need of a job, or just about anyhthing that we can name. Sadly however even the most gripping of words can be eroded of their meaning due to misuse, overuse or ignorance.

When David wrote the words many times in the Psalms certainly the situations were precarious to say the least. There would be a chasing enemy or some other form of impending danger. Clearly it was waiting upon God. Sadly, in our times we seldom appreciate the import of waiting upon God. It almost sounds like an anathema to talk ‘wait’ in our times. Nobody wants to wait. The contemporary buzzwords are quick, fast, easy, instant, real-time etc patience is  a forgotten virtue.

It has been said before that change is the only constant thing but I reckon the more things change the more they remain the same. Although times have moved on, certain truisms still hold. We are are an insecure people in a dangerous, cruel world. We cannot help but look up to the hills and wonder with David where our help will come from. In the face of the challenges besetting us, we cant but come to the same conclusion that we will  ‘wait upon the Lord’, the maker of heaven and earth, who does not slumber or grow faint like mortal men.

Whereas that might sound the easy part, the actual waiting is where the rubber meets the road. Trusting unwaveringly is not easy. Our minds quickly begin working out alternatives to faith and patience. We grow weary of it and wonder if God is faithful as He is reported to be. But countless times He has proven himself faithful to those who ‘wait upon the Lord’

This April, we shall be looking in greater depth at the concept of trusting in God. Catherine Wanjau will bring a five part series of talks on the subject of faith and obedience at a time when most of us are right in the crossroads – shall I go on or is that it for me? With dwindling support from friends and family, little or no supervison, sagging PD curve, uncertain Sept, unmet expectations etc it may well be that you are losing faith, even in yourself let alone in God. Its time for that good old clarion call – wait upon the Lord. Prepare your heart for deep engagement during NMTC 3.

I invite you to pray for yourself, our speakers and all sessions  so that the Lord will use this week to minister deeply to us.Find attached a copy the programme. We have kept the topics and the spaekers few so that we can engage each other even more – through your well prepared stories and micro sermons.


Rhodah, Tim and I are well in Him.

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